Category Archives: Linux
Automatically Terraform Elasticsearch Cluster in AWS
Terraform Elasticsearch in Amazon Web Services The elasticsearch cluster needs to know the seed ip addresses, which makes it a little bit tricker to do in terraform. We actually need to do have two separate ec2 declarations. The second batch will grab the first batches ip addresses. The userdata automatically will install and set up […]
Perfect WordPress Development Environment
WordPress Development Problem Anybody who has developed for php applications knows it can be tricky to have the right environmental setup to do development work. I love WordPress, but it is no exception, until now . . . I found the fastest way to have a development environment for WordPress that can be blown away […]
Using Curl In Bash For Endpoint Rest Testing
Description Sometimes I am shelled into an environment or server that I cannot revers proxy through and I can’t run programs like Postman or Advanced Rest Client, which are great programs. I use the following aliases inside my .bashrc files in every server I set up because of how useful they are. This way we […]
Single Line Program to Access a Docker Container
Description I have several docker images I have pulled down and running in several containers on my server. As images update I destroy the old containers, remove the old images, and bring up the new images in a new container. Instead of running the following as root: You then have to find the container id […]
Project Organization
I have put this off for too long now – I am finally collecting all my projects, both personal and school related, and putting them up on github. Zaphinath’s GitHub repository. I have been using SVN and git for sometime on my own boxes. There are things I like about both and things I dislike. […]
Using Asterisk as Sip Server with Google Voice
Description I have wanted for some time to buy a sip phone to plug directly into my network and use it with my google voice account, thus giving me a free house phone with unlimited minutes to all of north america (or wherever google decides). To do this I installed Asterisk 11.0 on my server […]
Custom Filter for Exim Through Fail2ban
Description I have noticed a lot of unsolicited smtp traffic on my box and I have started taking anti-spam measures to remove unauthorized usage of mail on my server. I use exim to transport and route mail. Exim is great and there are a lot of custom tweaks that can be done with Exim’s ACLs […]
IPC – Linux Communication Signals
IPC – Inter-process Communication – is the way running programs can communicate with each other in a Linux system when there are conflicts or user has need to interrupt the running program. The following are a list of the various signals that the Linux Kernel handles. Most of us are familiar with several of them […]
Computer Systems – Going down the rabbit hole.
If you are looking to understand linux and how the overal picture works with the kernel down to the hardware a great book to use is Computer Systems: A Programer’s Perspective. The thing I really liked about this book is it first walks you through how the processor is set up and gives a great […]
How to Repair a Hacked Website and Cpanel
Description This is a howto or a step-by-step post on successfully repairing a hacked site. This guide is meant to walk you through repairing your current problem and preventing it from happening again in the future. Just simply restoring the files is not enough to fix the site. We need to implement stronger security measures […]