Author Archives: Derek Carr (zaphinath)

Web Designer Job Description

Web Designer Job Description Years ago if you were a web designer that meant that you knew how to arrange a page in HTML, change colors, and work on a little bit of javascript. With such modern advances with html5, jQuery, and AngularJS, the frontend of web development needs people who are better skilled at […]

Software Engineer Job Description

Software Engineer Job Description There was an article I read in the news lately about the top 7 careers in Utah. Number three in the list was a software developer or software engineer. The terms have slightly different meaning, but can be interchanged quite frequently. Quite often I have either been asked what to include […]

Custom PS2 Keyboard GPIO for Spartan 6 Microblaze

Description This is an old post I never finished. I just thought I would at least share the code for the project. I made a keyboard interface with PS2 that plugged into the Spartan 6 Microblaze. You will need to make sure you have the right voltage and resistors in the right place. There is […]

Yeoman’s Gruntfile.js with html5 hashbang

Description Recently I worked on trying to make my angular application crawlable by google robots. In order to accomplish this I moved my application to html5. The problem however was all sites needed to be redirected from to!/newpage. This is required in order to load all the css and javascript for the page. […]

Async functions in AngularJS to behave synchronously

Description Having a background in server side code entering the world of javascript’s asynchronous functional programming took a bit to wrap my head around and understand. Angular has some awesome libraries that let you make rest endpoint requests using $http module. There was a scenario I ran into recently where I needed to make a […]

Review of CAD U37 USB recording microphone

Description I have a couple of various websites that need to have lots of audio recordings in them. At first I tried using the microphone build into my computer screen. It’s great for video chatting, but when quality matters I needed a different solution. I spent time looking around on the internet for a couple […]

How to get google to crawl your angular application

Description I first discovered there was a problem when I went to google’s webmaster tools -> fetch as google -> and submitted a page of one of my sites to be crawled. It had a hash “#” in the URL as that was the default routeProvider using the yeoman framework. To my surprise google would […]

Using Curl In Bash For Endpoint Rest Testing

Description Sometimes I am shelled into an environment or server that I cannot revers proxy through and I can’t run programs like Postman or Advanced Rest Client, which are great programs. I use the following aliases inside my .bashrc files in every server I set up because of how useful they are. This way we […]

Single Line Program to Access a Docker Container

Description I have several docker images I have pulled down and running in several containers on my server. As images update I destroy the old containers, remove the old images, and bring up the new images in a new container. Instead of running the following as root: You then have to find the container id […]

How to become a software developer

How to become a software developer I am a software engineer and I often have people, whether they are in marketing, customer support, business development, or any other various positions in companies I have worked for, ask me “How to become a software developer?” So you want to learn to code. One of my favorite […]